- Redesigned Donate page with fresh layout
- Added new 7th Tradition donation form
- Added Scholarships & Activities donation form
Every year new trusted servants are elected to the DC CMA Intergroup. These trusted servants support the fellowship by running monthly meetings, distributing literature, plan events and so much more. It is a exciting way to be of service to the local fellowship. Below are instructions for our election procedures and a list of descriptions and requirements for these positions. If you are looking for a new way to get involved with CMA and eager to serve the fellowship, check out the descriptions and attend our next DC CMA Intergroup meeting on the last Tuesday of the month.
Meeting ID: 827 9426 1352
Passcode: 20302030
Announcement of Upcoming Elections – At the Fall Intergroup meetings, the Chair will advise the Intergroup of officer and committee chair elections that will take place at the following month’s Intergroup meeting GSRs should announce these upcoming elections at their meetings.
Nomination – At the December Intergroup meeting, the Chair will solicit nominations for officer and committee chair positions An explanation of the position’s duties and responsibilities will be provided. Any active CMA member may nominate a candidate for Intergroup officers or committee chair positions
Willingness to Serve – Only nominees who are present or have provided written expression of their willingness to serve to the Intergroup are eligible to be elected.
Voting Privileges – Only Intergroup members with voting privileges or their designated proxy may vote in elections. The Chair may vote in elections only to break a tie.
Lack of a Majority – When there are multiple nominees and no nominee receives a majority of votes in the first ballot, the nominee with the fewest votes will be dropped and another vote will be taken. This process will be repeated until a nominee receives a majority vote
Succession – All Intergroup members and officers may succeed themselves in service, but in keeping with the Ninth Tradition and the principle of rotating leadership, it is recommended that no officer serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Vacancies – Should any position other than GSR or Area Delegate to the General Service Conference become vacant before expiration of the incumbent’s term, the Intergroup will elect someone to serve the remainder of that term. 5.8Terms of Office for Intergroup Positions. The terms for all Intergroup positions except GSR will begin on January 1. Individual CMA groups determine when their GSRs’ terms begin and end.
Presides over each monthly Intergroup meeting using Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised In Brief as a guide in conducting business.
Ensures that an agenda is created and distributed for each Intergroup meeting.
Ensures that talking points and announcements of interest to the fellowship and consistent with the Fifth Tradition are made available to Intergroup members following each Intergroup meeting.
Acts as an ex-officio member of all committees without voting rights.
Votes only to break tie votes
Calls roll at each Intergroup meeting and reports whether a quorum exists.
Records minutes of each Intergroup meeting and maintain records of each meeting. At a minimum, minutes should record whether a quorum was met, documentation of all motions made (discussion and action taken), results of any elections, and any items to be carried over to the following months as old business. If available, minutes should also include standing and ad hoc committee reports, reports from GSRs on the well-being and needs of their groups, and other items discussed by the Intergroup.
Tabulates votes on motions made at Intergroup meetings.
Distributes (via email) draft meeting minutes to Intergroup members prior to the next scheduled Intergroup meeting.
Delivers report on “old business” at each Intergroup meeting.
Ensures meeting minutes and other Intergroup records are electronically archived.
Voting member: Yes
Maintains Intergroup’s bank account(s).
Receives and deposits funds from individual CMA groups.
Distributes funds to pay approved expenses.
Consults with Intergroup officers to develop annual budget and submit for approval.
If the Chair is unable to perform his or her duties, the Treasurer will perform all the duties of the Chair. When so acting, the Treasurer shall have all powers of and be subject to all restrictions of the Chair.
Provides monthly and annual reports as described in Article VII.
Voting member: Yes
Planning, organizing and coordinating social activities and events for CMA members according to surveyed interests.
Ensuring access to activities and events for CMA members with limited financial resources to nurture fellowship.
Coordinating promotion of activities and events at DCCMA meetings.
Encouraging and promoting newcomer participation in DCCMA social activities.
Assisting with the maintenance of information provided to the public on Intergroup’s website.
Forming subcommittees as needed to achieve social activity-related goals set by Intergroup.
Delivering a report on committee activities at each Intergroup meeting.
Voting member: No
Coordinating activities related to bringing CMA meetings to area hospitals and institutions including outreach and liaison to such facilities, determining the time and format of meetings, and securing trusted servants and speakers from among DCCMA members.
Providing outreach and information about DCCMA, including General Services Conference-approved literature and information about meetings offered in the DC Intergroup region, to medical, mental health, corrections, and other professionals in institutions that provide services to crystal meth addicts.
Actively encouraging representation of DCCMA in monthly CMA General Service Hospitals and Institutions Subcommittee conference calls.
Forming subcommittees as needed to achieve hospitals and institutions-related goals set by Intergroup.
Voting member: No
Coordinating activities related to publishing pamphlets, newcomer packets, and other Intergroup literature.
Actively encouraging representation of DCCMA in monthly CMA General Service Literature Subcommittee conference calls.
Forming subcommittees as needed to achieve literature-related goals set by Intergroup.
Helping to maintaining formation provided to the public on the Intergroup’s website.
Assisting individual CMA meeting GSRs with acquiring literature and chips for their respective meetings.
Maintaining an up-to-date inventory of literature and chips on hand.
Delivering a report on committee activities at each Intergroup meeting.
Voting member: No
Managing all technical aspects of the DCCMA website, dccma.com.
Responding to routine requests for information from individuals and the media; or referring such requests to Intergroup for approval or action.
Delivering a report on committee activities at each Intergroup meeting.
Actively encouraging representation of DCCMA in monthly CMA General Service Public Information Subcommittee and CMA General Service Communications Subcommittee conference calls.
Maintaining an electronic archive of Intergroup records.
Voting member: No
Fulfill the responsibilities of an Area Delegate as set forth by the GSC of the worldwide CMA service structure, including carrying the conscience of the meetings they represent to the General Service Conference.
Each CMA Area with meetings represented in the Intergroup is entitled to have up to two (2)Area Delegates serve as voting members of the Intergroup.
Meetings from a given CMA Area choose their Delegates to the General Service Conference in accordance with guidelines set by the GSC.
Voting member: Yes
Carries the conscience of the DC District and Area to the Regional Conference.
Organizes and coordinates
The Regional Conference when hosted in an Area serviced by the Intergroup.
Liaises to other Areas within the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Voting member: No
1638 R St NW Washington, DC 20009 — with the “red door”
1623 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009 — second floor
811 Cathedral Street Baltimore, MD 21201 — enter on W. Read Street
World-wide CMA meeting search: crystalmeth.org
For general inquiries about CMA in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia contact:
[email protected]
For CMA services worldwide:
We have in-person, online and hybrid meetings 7 days a week at multple times each day. See our Meetings page for more information