Your 2022 DC Area Delegates, Dominic C and Steven M, will be holding a feedback meeting on September 19th at 6pm to discuss the following topics to take back to the GSC. All are welcome to attend and participate. Zoom details to follow.
- The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee has made a request to share stories of success/failure related to DEI, inquiring what resources would be helpful related to DEI, share recorded qualifications/stories from individuals of marginalized experience, and requesting groups/meetings willing to do an identity-based group inventory.
● Send inclusivity statements that are being used in your meeting.
● Does your meeting need for support and/or assistance creating inclusivity statements?
● Does your meeting have stories of success/failure related to DEI?
● What resources would be helpful related to DEI?
● Recorded qualifications/stories from individuals of marginalized experience. (i.e., Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Trans/Non-Binary/Genderqueer, People with Disability, Women, etc.)
● Which three area does your meeting suggest/recommend we prioritize for 2023?
○ DEI Liaisons
○ DEI pamphlets
○ Develop an input channel from the fellowship
○ How to start a meeting with DEI as integral
○ How to start a DEI topic meeting
○ Develop gender neutral literature; non gender scripts
○ ADA/WCAG Review: addressing ableism and accessibility