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We are Crystal Meth Anonymous. We believe that connection and the 12-steps keep us sober today. Will you free yourself and join us on this journey? There's a seat here for you and loving friends by your side.
Welcome aboard.
The newcomer is the most important person at every CMA meeting. You are brave and courageous for taking these first steps towards a clean and sober life. You are not alone! We know what it’s like dealing with the devastation of crystal meth addiction and are here to share our experience, strength and hope with you. You always have a seat here, welcome home.
Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, so they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addiction to crystal meth. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. There are no dues or fees for CMA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. CMA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to lead a sober life and to carry the message of recovery to the crystal meth addict who still suffers.
Crystal Meth Anonymous is an inclusive fellowship. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using crystal meth. Anonymity reminds us that the strength of our Unity comes from our Diversity. Love reminds us that connection is the most powerful weapon in our arsenal. It has been our experience, and that of our predecessors, that we are undoubtedly stronger together and within each of our experiences there is hope!
For so long, many of us spent years disconnected from ourselves and from the world- but we don’t have to live that way any longer!
Anonymity fortifies our fellowship by keeping our primary purpose at the forefront. What is our primary purpose? To spread a message of love, healing, and recovery to the still suffering crystal meth addict. All are welcome!
Am I an addict? — only you can answer this question. For many of us, the answer was clear. We could not control our drug use. Our lives had become unmanageable.
Have you tried to stop using crystal meth and found that you couldn’t? Do you find that you can’t control your use once you start?
If so, you may be suffering from the disease of addiction. The fellowship of Crystal Meth Anonymous can help.
There is a solution. Our experiences may differ externally, but internally we believe they are very much the same. Many of us who have been arrested, or suffered the loss of our jobs and the trust of our family and friends, now lead productive, honest, and purposeful lives. To do so, we place our sobriety before all else and remain open to a spiritual life.
If you want what we have, and are willing to go to any lengths to get it, then you are in the right place. We encourage you to stay close to the CMA fellowship and experience recovery with us.
The idea of never using crystal meth again was impossible for us to comprehend. In early recovery, we were encouraged to make a commitment each day not to use just for that day. This pledge was still too much for some of us. In these instances, we promised ourselves something along these lines: “I won’t use crystal meth, just for the next hour.” This helped us to stay in the here and now and not to get caught up in what might be. For these reasons, we say we stay sober one day at a time.
CMA has a simple message: Recovery from meth addiction is possible. You never have to use again. And you don’t have to recover alone.
Many of us used daily, so we took the suggestion to attend ninety meetings in ninety days to heart, replacing the environment of the dope house, sex club or prison cell with the rooms of recovery. Ninety days is also a useful period because it takes us thoroughly three months—a season—of being sober.
By the time we reach that first milestone and get our ninety-day chip, we’ve developed a routine we want to continue since we’ve built a new life full of wonderful sober experiences.
We often hear in the rooms: “If you go to the barber shop often enough, you will get a haircut.” We do our best to avoid people, places and things that may trigger us. But sometimes, we do not have a choice. If we have to live or work around people or things that tempt us, we take care to keep in close contact with our fellows and sponsors. It is important to be honest about our motives.
Whenever possible, we stay away from anyone or anything that triggers thoughts of using—a certain ex-lover, a particular street, or even a special song
These suggestions, and many others, were given to us when we first came into the rooms. Each has helped guide us through to a new life free from crystal meth use. The Experience, Strength, and Hope of other recovering addicts—living without the need for crystal meth—gives us hope and connection.
You may not have been able to stay sober alone, but…
1638 R St NW Washington, DC 20009 — with the “red door”
1623 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009 — second floor
811 Cathedral Street Baltimore, MD 21201 — enter on W. Read Street
World-wide CMA meeting search: crystalmeth.org
For general inquiries about CMA in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia contact:
[email protected]
For CMA services worldwide:
We have in-person, online and hybrid meetings 7 days a week at multple times each day. See our Meetings page for more information